Azure Virtual Network Manager — Get To Know the Unique Platform Service
Azure Virtual Network is the fundamental building block for your private Azure network.
Virtual networking enables many types of Azure resources, such as Azure virtual machines, to communicate securely, the Internet, and on-premises networks.
What is a Virtual Network?
A virtual network is that network where you can detect all connected devices, servers, virtual machines, and data centers are made through software and wireless technology. This allows the network to be extended as needed for maximum efficiency and numerous other benefits.
A local area network (LAN) is a unique set of wired networks that can usually only reach the domain of a building. A vast network, or WAN, is another type of wired network, but computers and devices connected to the network can extend half a mile in some cases.
Get metrics from the Azure Virtual Network Manager to:
- Track the number of assigned and unallocated addresses for your virtual networks.
- Track the total number versus connected network parings.
- Track the number of available addresses versus the ones assigned to your subnets.
- Avoid running out of space in critical moments.
- Metrics from this integration are not available from Azure Monitor, and Datadog generates them by requesting the Azure API metadata and converting the responses to time series data points. They are given in Datadog as standard metrics from Azure integration.
Components of Azure Virtual Network
Virtual Networks: Using Microsoft Azure Virtual Networks, you can deploy Azure services such as Virtual Infrastructure Machine (IaaS), Redis cache, and web applications. Each virtual network can maintain more than one vast address space defined and subdivided into subnets.
Network Security Groups — network security groups are essentially layered four firewall rules (OSI model) that allow you to restrict the flow of network traffic in the subnet and the individual layers of the network interface. Each network security group is able to contain up to 200 personal Network Security Rules, which allow or deny traffic, based on various parameters, such as the IP address and ports of the source/destination, the network protocol, the priority of the rules, and others. For instance, Network security groups can be created in the same Azure region (location) as the virtual network subnet to which it will be connected.
VPN Gateway: Using Microsoft Azure VPN Gateway, you can securely connect globally distributed virtual networks and deploy networks to cloud locations. This scenario is known as location-to-location (S2S) connectivity and is also commonly called “hybrid networking”. You can also enable point-to-location (P2S) connectivity, where “point” is a client device that connects directly to the Virtual Network and provides private access to network resources over a secure VPN. The P2S model helps deploy lab environments in Microsoft Azure, which is only accessible through a remote interface or other cloud-based loads that do not require public access.
Using Microsoft Azure Load Balancer, you can build and deploy high-performance, highly accessible geographically distributed applications. Load balances can be publicly exposed through a public IP address resource or deployed under a Virtual Network for private, internal access. For this purpose, the Load Balancer health probe ensures the availability and health of the application at each endpoint, and the endpoints are dynamically added to and removed from the Load Balancer rotation.
Traffic Manager — Load Balancer for geographically distributed data centers. Azure Traffic Manager uses DNS to redirect requests to the appropriate endpoint at a geographic location. The traffic manager does not see the traffic passing between the customer and the service and turns the request based on the most appropriate endpoints.
What is Azure Virtual Network Manager?
The purpose of AVNM is to provide you with a centralized way to manage your connectivity and security policies, including subscriptions or management groups for all of your Azure assets. You cover each AVNM on one or more subscriptions or one or more management groups.
Then add vNets to the network groups in AVNM. Each AVNM can have multiple network groups. Adding vNets can be done manually / statically, or you can build a set of conditions that will include any vNet that fits them.
Microsoft started this with the Azure Virtual WAN (Azure VWAN), a service offering platform (PaaS) that enables you to deploy a hub and voice model. It can be done by connecting back to your in-house networks (ExpressRoute or S2S VPN), WAN affiliates connections, plus Azure Firewall for security.
Instead of creating each network component and configuring their connectivity, Azure VWAN lets you define policies and perform behind-the-scenes configurations.
Benefits of Using the Azure Virtual Network
Some of the pros (benefits) of using Microsoft Azure VNet are as follows:
- Provides an isolated environment for your applications
- A VNet subnet can access the public Internet by default
- We can easily direct traffic from resources
- It is a highly secure network
- It has a high network connection
- It builds sophisticated network topologies in a simple way
Furthermore, let’s have a look at the components of Azure vNet.
Components of Azure VNet
Azure Network Connection Components provide a wide range of functionalities to help companies build efficient cloud applications that meet their requirements.
The components of Azure Networking are listed below, and we have explained each of these components in detail:
- Subnets
- Routing
- Network Security Groups
With what is happening, Microsoft has saved the day. Microsoft Azure has solved these problems and launched the Azure virtual network, which has helped companies communicate securely with other networks and maintain a cloud-efficient environment.
Virtual Networking and Modern Business
Before, while developing and deploying software applications, companies faced common problems such as network attacks, data leaks, poor network connectivity, time-consuming processes in building network topologies, and inadequate network traffic diversion.
In a changing world, virtual networking plays an essential role in every digital business model. It is an evolution of technology that addresses remote accessibility, security, flexibility, scalability, and cost savings. Like many services that businesses can order, it benefits time, money, and valuable resources that can be better spent, ensuring all your technology meets your business needs.